The shift towards renewable energy and the demand for energy efficiency has pushed the market towards more efficient products such as light emitting diodes (LEDs). LED technology has been globally recognised as extremely efficient and ecofriendly in comparison to the incandescent lamps (ICLs) and fluorescent lamps (FTLs/CFLs). With the entry of LEDs, the Indian lighting market has become more buoyant.
LED lamps and luminaires exhibit the strongest growth trends among all lighting technologies. According to Frost & Sullivan, the Indian lighting market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 45.5 per cent till 2015, and by 2021, LED technology will penetrate 57 per cent of the lighting market in India. The growth in revenue can be attributed to the increased use of LEDs in streetlight applications and the steady demand from the railways sector, which constituted over 60 per cent of the total demand in 2010. Recognising the benefits of this technology, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is working with lighting associations to define standards, and is testing protocols and certifying parameters for different lighting applications. Star rating labels are being made mandatory for luminaires/lamps for indoor commercial and outdoor lighting applications. read more>>